I’m thankful for many things in 2008. Here is my Top 10 (so far…)
1. Faith: Nothing is impossible with God.
2. Family: I’m so grateful to have a wonderful husband and kids whom I both like and love! I’m also very fortunate to have great relationships with the rest of our family, both immediate and extended.
3. Friends: The older I get, I have fewer but much more meaningful friendships – many acquaintances but a special, few friends.
4. Health (physical and emotional): It’s such a gift that I and my loved ones are in good physical health. Also, I don’t think that I really realized before how much of a treasure emotional stability is!
5. Education: Irregardless of what I choose to do at the various stages of my life, it can never be taken away.
6. Current Career: Being a parenting writer/blogger/speaker is the ideal job at this stage of my life. I basically get paid to live my life and share about it. How great is that?! I’m especially happy about some of the longer term relationships that I have built this year with moms and marketers – especially Nintendo (we’re a Wii family!); method (they’ve helped us to live a little bit more “green” AND they threw my 35th birthday party!; and Disney (they treated me to a fabulous weekend and - more importantly - listened to African American mom concerns regarding their brand).
7. Financial Stability: We’re not (financially) rich, but we don’t have to choose between gas in the car and food on the table. That’s no small thing in today’s economic environment.
8. Home: I’m glad that at the end of the day, there’s no place that I, my husband and our kids would rather be.
9. Learning to Drive: Although, I don’t especially love driving yet, it’s a great skill to have. It “frees” me in new ways.
10. Family Vacations: I love when we get at our destination! Both the family wedding in North Carolina and our off-season Jersey Shore getaways were great. (In addition, with all that there is to do living in NYC, it’s like we’re on “vacation” year-round!)
What Are You Most Thankful For This Thanksgiving?