Sunday, November 16, 2008

Guitar Hero On Tour: Decades Giveaway

RedOctane / Activision is giving away five game and grip bundles of their newest Guitar Hero game: Guitar Hero On Tour: Decades which was released yesterday (November 16th). This game - exclusively for Nintendo DS - is perfect for holiday travel.

Guitar Hero
® On Tour: Decades allows gamers to unleash their inner rockstar anytime, anywhere and for the first time ever share their music with friends as they embark on a tour through the decades of rock. Compatible with the smash hit Guitar Hero®: On Tour™, the game leverages the technology of its predecessor and expands the experience with a new progression taking players on a musical journey from the classics of the 1970’s through today’s greatest hits. With a new library of music, characters and venues, the game delivers a portable way for gamers to unleash their inner rockstars while playing through the history of rock ’n’ roll.”

Enter to win one of the game bundles by leaving your name in the “Comments” section below or by sending an email to with “Guitar Hero” in the Subject line by November 23rd. (Please note that this is a one week only giveaway!)

(To see other contests & giveaways around the web, visit Contesting Monday.)


Ginny said...

I'd love to win this.

Abby said...

WOW! What an awesome prize! Please count me IN!

ajcmeyer AT go DOT com